SECTION 1: Starting (Sept. 2 – Sept. 23)
-Brainstorming ideas (Everyone)
-Researching prices for hardware (Everyone)

SECTION 2: MSP430 (Sept. 23 – Nov. 21)
-Ordering hardware (MSP430-easyweb, LPT1-to-USB cable, buttons) (Roberto)

-Research chess algorithms

-Programming for "basic chess rules" (Vikram)
-Algorithm for the CPU to play chess (Aashish)
-Output GUI to HyperTerminal (Ankit)

-Research client/server program
-Only need basic communication and GUI/interface (Roberto)

-Website (Vikram)

-Register for webspace
-Start html
- Documentation (Schematic, images, etc.) (Ankit)

-Research "Chess CPU"

-Order/Find/Research (Ankit)
-Find Lab space and equipment (oscilloscope) (Vikram)

SECTION 3: After MSP430 board failed (Nov. 21 – Nov. 27)
-Check MSP430 simulator (Roberto)
-Check MSP430 output on oscilloscope (Aashish)
-Read about Google Android (Everyone)
-Install Android SDK, compiler/emulator (Everyone)

SECTION 4: Google Android (Nov. 27 – Dec. 7)
-Make a nicer GUI for Android (Ankit)
-1-player mode (Vikram)
-Port C++ algorithm to java for android
-2-player (on 1 phone) (Roberto)
-Edit existing code
-2-player (phone to phone) (Aashish)
-Connect to another phone
-Communicate between phones
-Use 2-player code

SECTION 5: Debugging Android code (Dec. 7 – Dec. 9)
-Finish GUI (Ankit)
-Add touch-screen functionality (Vikram)
-Fix 2-player online problems (Roberto)
-Fix newline issue (GUI) (Aashish)

-Algorithm (Bugs)
-Check/Checkmate issue (Algorithm Bug) (Ankit)
-King shouldn't die (Algorithm Bug) (Vikram)
-Any piece that reaches the end shouldn't be promoted (Algorithm Bug) (Roberto)
-Title screen needs to be graphical (Algorithm Bug) (Aashish)